Dental Emergency
Dr. Campbell is available for emergencies 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. In the event of a dental emergency please call (516) 639-1536.
Regular appointments can be made by calling (516) 599-4150
Emergency procedure
if a tooth is knocked out:
Time is of the essence! Follow these directions as soon as possible!
- Don’t touch the root
- Pick up the tooth by its chewing part (crown) not the root.
- If the root is dirty, hold it by the crown and rinse it under tap water.
- DO NOT use soap or chemicals.
- DO NOT scrub or dry the tooth.
- DO NOT wrap it in a tissue.
- Place the tooth back into its socket.
- The sooner the tooth is back in its socket, the better its chances of survival.
- Place the root into the socket with your fingers and slowly bite down to position it.
- Hold the tooth in place with your fingers or with gentle biting pressure.
- If you can’t put the tooth back into its socket, then the tooth must be kept moist by placing it in your cheek.
- If the tooth can’t be placed in your cheek, then place it in some milk.
- Call us immediately!
- If we can see you within 30 minutes, we have a good chance of saving the tooth.